Sunday 13 April 2014

The Fault in our Stars, in Two Days

         I thought I would read The Fault in our Stars because I wanted to see the movie. **Release date, in theaters June 6th.
    It follows the story of a young sixteen year old girl, named Hazel. She has a serious case of cancer and is just waiting to die pretty much. She meets the young man Augustus, who is a total gentleman, at a support group. He also had a form of cancer that started in his leg, so the doctors amputated it. To avoid spoilers I will say nothing else. (Although you could probably guess what happens next).
    Yes, it is such a super easy book, even I, a slow reader, finished it in two days. I will say with all bias intended, that I did not like it a jot.
    The very first chapter the author slams his opinion of God in the readers face, no need to worry if the author thinks there is a heaven. He doesn't. Now, that is his opinion he can have it, and I will disagree with him, but the constant use of the Lord's name in vain throughout the book made me grimace, and throw my hands up in despair. Everyone in the book likes to swear apparently.
    Do not even get me started on the grammar. I do not claim to be a grammar expert, which makes it even worse if I notice the misuse of the written word. I hate to think we let people get away with such crimes.

     This is apparently a popular and favorite book of a lot of people. I can not see why. Then again I do not follow modern days flow of popularity. So, you might like it, especially the romance. I will stick with my older books, with more in-depth stories, and proper use of commas, and periods.

Thanks for reading.

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